Dicranophorus luetkeni: specimen from (3) |
Dicranophorus luetkeni: specimen with egg. (1) |
Dicranophorus luetkeni: after some minutes the egg has been deposited (visible is also a Trachelomonas euglenid flagellate) (1). |
Dicranophorus luetkeni: ??resting?? egg (1) |
Dicranophorus luetkeni: lateral view; specimen from (2) |
Dicranophorus luetkeni: lateral view; specimen from (4) |
Dicranophorus luetkeni: forcipate trophi in dorsoventral view. Left: specimen from (2); Left: specimen from (3); |
Dicranophorus luetkeni: the same trophi as in the upper right image; focal plane more ventral shows two structures which may be epipharyngeal structures (arrowheads). These structures look different from some structures in this morphotype found in the Hildener Heide |
Fundort: Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmer (Teich) (1); Murnauer Moor (2) |
Habitat: periphyton (1,2) |
Datum: 13.09.2005 (1); 13.04.2014 (2) |
Location (3) (3): Stang-Alar; Botanical Garden, Brest; Brittany, France |
Habitat (3) (3): detritus/ psammon in lotic water (click to enlarge >>>>) |
Date: 17.08.2021 (3) |
Location (4) (3): Schwalm, NSG Schwalm-Nette, NRW, Germany |
Habitat (4): detritus/ psammon in lotic water (click to enlarge >>>>) |
Date: 16.06.2024 (4) |